如果你有一个VPS或计划的Minecraft你可以随时通过创建客户区支持票请求您的服务升级或降级。您将要支付留在你目前的结算期,如果要升级到一个更高的计划,如果你降级你会被记入留给计划差异的时间。我的世界和VPS可以升级/降级,但是如果你有一个KVM VPS您需要调整您的磁盘分区,以利用额外的磁盘空间。
Does ExtraVM take backups of my server?
For some services we do take included, free backups of client servers, however we don't run these...
Change billing panel language to English
If a link is clicked in search engine results it might be indexed in another language, click the...
Can I delete my account?
Users can request that their billing account data be removed from our system 30 days (1 month) of...
ExtraVM - Review Us
If you enjoy our service please consider leaving a review on one of the websites below. You can...
Non-Profit Website Hosting
ExtraVM provides free or discounted hosting services for non-profit organizations. If you operate...