ExtraVM provides free or discounted hosting services for non-profit organizations. If you operate or represent a non-profit and are looking for somewhere to run your website or other internal applications we would be happy to help. You can message us through our contact form or support ticket, send us an email, or leave a message on our live chat. We will require a form of proof of the organization you represent.

What can we offer your non-profit?

  • Website hosting options in North America, Europe, and Asia locations
  • Migration or setup assistance from an existing service provider
  • Fast support and a personal contact for the peace of mind
  • Other (non-website) server options if needed

We do not require anything in return, but would appreciate if you would link our website somewhere on yours or mention us somewhere.

Our free and discounted non-profit hosting services are available anywhere in the world. For most countries we will need proof that you represent a legitimate and registered non-profit organization. The types of organizations that we offer services to for example (but not limited to) are veterinarian who offer free services, media non-profits (activist organizations, localized non-profit news groups), regional food banks.

If you have any questions please contact us!

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