If you have a Minecraft server with us you can allocate additional ports to your server from the "Network" page within our game control panel. You can assign around 5 extra ports to your server, which you can use for things like plugins that may need them.
"Failed to start Minecraft server" getLogger error
If you're getting errors when starting your Minecraft server, mainly KCauldron, and have the...
Minecraft "java.security.AccessControlException: access denied"
Some plugins (Such as ExecuteEverywhere) sometimes can require specific java security policies to...
Fix "c.s.w.b.WorldEditListener (PlayerInteractEvent)" Timings Lag
If you're running a Spigot server with WorldEdit, WorldGuard and GroupManager plugins together,...
Minecraft client connection delay / lag
Some people have issues with a three to six second connection delay in the vanilla Minecraft...
Minecraft Server Plugin - Establishing SSL connection without server's identity verification is not recommended.
Some servers may run versions of MySQL that have different SSL requirements/settings, without SSL...