We've compiled a basic program to send a "TCP Ping" to an IP/port to see if the port is responding to TCP traffic. This can help determine if a TCP service is listening on the port or if your firewall is working properly (or not). These support both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as hostnames.

Downloads: https://extravm.com/billing/download/


Download the "tcppingwin.exe" app here or at the link above. You can place it into the C:/Windows folder on your PC to be able to run it from anywhere.

Examples Commands:
tcppingwin <IP/Hostname> <Port> <Timeout (Optional)>
tcppingwin 443
tcppingwin 2606:4700:4700::1111 443


Download the "tcpping" app here or at the link above.

Example Commands:
tcpping <IP/Hostname> <Port> <Timeout (Optional)>


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