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Minecraft Server Hosting

Choose Your Plan Below

Select the plan and location for your needs. Note that servers with mod packs or large worlds may require a higher plan.

Select a server location:


Rec. for 4 Players


Order Now
  • 1 GB RAM
  • Storage
  • Server Software: Spigot, Paper, Forge & More!


Rec. for 7 Players


Order Now
  • 2 GB RAM
  • Storage
  • Server Software: Spigot, Paper, Forge & More!


Rec. for 12 Players


Order Now
  • 3 GB RAM
  • Storage
  • Server Software: Spigot, Paper, Forge & More!


Rec. for 20 Players


Order Now
  • 4 GB RAM
  • Storage
  • Server Software: Spigot, Paper, Forge & More!


Rec. for 30 Players


Order Now
  • 5 GB RAM
  • Storage
  • Server Software: Spigot, Paper, Forge & More!

Looking for Something Larger?

Recommended for mod packs or large servers

6GB RAMRec. for 35 Players
Server Software:
Spigot, Paper, Forge & More


7GB RAMRec. for 40 Players
Server Software:
Spigot, Paper, Forge & More


8GB RAMRec. for 45 Players
Server Software:
Spigot, Paper, Forge & More


Larger plans can be ordered from our billing system

Included with All Minecraft Servers

DDoS Protected

Our servers are protected against denial of service attacks, protection varies by location.

Instant Activation

Minecraft servers are setup instantly after paying, so you can get started with your server quickly.

Reliable Servers

Our servers run multiple layers of resource monitoring and proprietary software to maintain reliability.

Modpack Installer

We provide automatic setup for many common mod packs, or can setup one manually upon request.

Free Subdomain

Don't like IPs? You can create a subdomain so you and your friends can connect using our mcsrv.pro domain.


Minecraft servers run inside Docker containers, this is better for security, resource isolation and more.

Full FTP Access

Our servers come with full FTPS access with no file restrictions, so you can use any server you want.

24/7 Tech Support

We provide around the clock ticket support with quick responses and occasional live chat.

Powerful Hardware

We use modern, fast hardware and occasionally decommission outdated hardware to ensure our clients get the best performance and reliability possible.

3.4 - 5.0 GHz Processor

We use a variety of fast high core processors, such as Ryzen 7900, i9-9900K, and E-2100 series processors and many more.


Our systems are high capacity and use high frequency DDR4/DDR5 RAM, vastly faster than many other options and allows easy upgrades for clients.

NVMe and Solid State

We only use the most reliable and fastest Solid State drives and NVMe drives to provide the best performance possible for Minecraft servers.

Powered by Pterodactyl

We use the Pterodactyl control panel, which is open source and widely used by many and provides a user friendly experience for managing Minecraft servers, files, and more.

  • Easy to use web based file manager and SFTP access
  • Web based console to see what's happening and run commands
  • Easy to use mod pack & plugin installer, version changer.
View Demo

Need some help?

Feel free to contact us if you need any help deciding on your server

Chat Live Now Or send us an email at sales@extravm.com