Minecraft Servers (United States & Europe)

Bermula dari
$3.00 USD

Minecraft Server Hosting
Packages from 1GB RAM up to 20GB RAM
Web-Based File Manager
SFTP File Access
SQL Database
Backup Feature
DDoS Protected
Free Subdomain (.mcsrv.pro)
Supports Mod Packs, Spigot, Vanilla, Paper, etc.
Mod Pack Installer
Pterodactyl Control Panel
Locations: United States (US) | Europe (EU)
Looking for Asia-Pacific locations?

Minecraft Servers (Asia-Pacific)

Bermula dari
$5.00 USD

Minecraft Server Hosting
Packages from 1GB RAM up to 20GB RAM
Web-Based File Manager
SFTP File Access
SQL Database
Backup Feature
DDoS Protected
Free Subdomain (.mcsrv.pro)
Supports Mod Packs, Spigot, Vanilla, Paper, etc.
Mod Pack Installer
Pterodactyl Control Panel
Locations: Singapore (SG) | Sydney, Australia (AU)
Looking for United States & Europe locations?


Bermula dari
$20.00 USD

Palworld Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Palworld server for you and your friends instantly.
Palworld recommends at least 8GB RAM. Our Palworld servers start at 8GB RAM with the option to choose higher RAM allocations during the order process. We don't limit player slots, but the more players you have, the more RAM your server will require.


Bermula dari
$12.00 USD

Enshrouded Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Enshrouded server for you and your friends instantly.

Sons of the Forest

Bermula dari
$20.00 USD

Sons of the Forest Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Sons of the Forest server for you and your friends instantly.

7 Days to Die

Bermula dari
$10.00 USD

7 Days to Die Server Hosting
Get a dedicated 7 Days to Die server for you and your friends instantly.

Left 4 Dead 2

Bermula dari
$3.00 USD

Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server
Get a dedicated Left 4 Dead 2 server for you and your friends instantly.

Project Zomboid

Bermula dari
$7.50 USD

Project Zomboid Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Project Zomboid server for you and your friends instantly.


Bermula dari
$4.50 USD

Terraria Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Terraria server for you and your friends instantly. tModloader supported!

Vintage Story

Bermula dari
$4.50 USD

Vintage Story Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Vintage Story server for you and your friends instantly.


Bermula dari
$7.50 USD

Valheim Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Valheim server for you and your friends instantly.
BepInEx Mod Framework Included


Bermula dari
$12.00 USD

Satisfactory Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Satisfactory server for you and your friends instantly.


Bermula dari
$4.50 USD

Factorio Server Hosting
Get a dedicated Factorio server for you and your friends instantly.

ARK Survival Ascended

Bermula dari
$24.00 USD

ARK Survival Ascended Server Hosting
Get a dedicated ARK Survival Ascended server for you and your friends instantly.
Mods Supported
Important ARK SA Server Notes

Disertakan dengan setiap rancangan

  • High Performance Hardware - Intel i9 & Ryzen, SSD
  • DDoS Protection Included